Episode 1-003: Michelle Van Loon, Mark, Lori

Writer Michelle Van Loon joins Lori and Mark as they discuss expressions of faith and culture, the level of personal importance in social media, and the moment you realize you’ve grown up.

Mark references an article from Relevant Magazine about social media.

Michelle talks about a note on The Atlantic called, “Tell Us: When Did You Become an Adult?” and an article in The New York Times about delayed adulthood.

Michelle Van Loon

Michelle Van Loon’s writing life started when her mom taught her to read before she started kindergarten. Since then, she has authored a book exploring the topic of regret, two books about the parables of Jesus and has contributed to three devotional projects and two devotional Bibles. She is a regular contributor to Christianity Today’s popular Her.meneutics blog, and also maintains her own blog at Patheos.com. In addition to her own writing projects, she has also guided two books through significant revision on their road to self-publication. Michelle and her husband Bill have three children and live in the Chicago suburbs.

Michelle’s latest book is If Only: Letting Go of Regret (Beacon Hill Press, 2014). Visit Michelle’s website to learn more about her and her published works.

Mark Breta

Mark Breta is co-host and co-producer of Millrose Podcast.

Mark is a musician and worship leader, involved at his home church in the northwest suburbs of Chicago.

Mark is a city guy and calls Chicago home, but finds ways to travel, including visiting his favorite cities, New York and London. He enjoys going to concerts, cooking, stand-up comedy, and watching football. He spoils his nieces and nephews, and counts the minutes until their next visit together!

To learn more about Mark, visit his website.

Lori Neff

Lori Neff is co-host and co-producer of Millrose Podcast.

Lori is currently co-facilitator for Christos Center for Spiritual Formation’s Spiritual Director training program. Lori also writes, leads retreats and workshops. Her great love is looking for God’s activity in the lives of those who come for Spiritual Direction.

Lori grew up in a small town in Ohio, spending more time outside in nature than inside. Her interests include art, literature, humanitarian aid efforts, animal welfare, gardening, coffee, daydreaming, learning, spending time with her husband and snuggling with their cats.

You can read Lori’s blog at her website.


  1. I am so excited to find a Millrose Club! On Facebook many were bemoaning the new program and how we miss Midday Connection. So refreshing and encouraging to hear you again, Lori and your new co-host and guest. I think I will listen to your podcast everyday at noon ☺

  2. Really enjoyed this podcast. I could relate to your topics and enjoyed your interactions. I especially enjoyed Michelle’s adulthood topic. We’ve 2 kids, ages 14 & 12, it often feels a fine line of childhood and adulthood in our house😜. Looking forward to more listening😍

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